


郑州二七皮肤病专科医院皮肤科,(河南郑州 450000)贾洁 韩焕莉

[摘要]目的:探讨杀虫去癣汤联合盐酸特比萘芬乳膏治疗体股癣的效果。方法:将 81 例体股癣患者分成治疗组和对照组,治疗组42例应用杀虫去癣汤联合盐酸特比萘芬乳膏治疗。对照组39例仅使用盐酸特比萘芬乳膏。连用四周后观察两组的疗效及不良反应。结果:两组的痊愈率分别为 80.95%和 41.05 %,总有效率分别为92.85 %和66.67%。结论:杀虫去癣汤联合盐酸特比萘芬乳膏治疗体股癣的疗效肯定

[关键词]杀虫去癣汤 ;盐酸特比萘芬;体股癣

Insecticidal to tinea decoction combined with terbinafine hydrochloride cream in the treatment of tinea corporis clinical observation

Two seven Zhengzhou skin disease hospital dermatology, ( Henan Zhengzhou 450000 ) Jia Jie Han Huanli

[Abstract ] -ive: To explore the insecticide to tinea decoction combined with terbinafine hydrochloride cream in the treatment of tinea corporis effect. Methods: 81 patients with tinea corporis were divided into treatment group and control group, 42 cases in the treatment group used insecticide to tinea decoction combined with terbinafine hydrochloride cream in treatment of. 39 cases in the control group only the use of terbinafine hydrochloride cream. Around two groups were observed. After curative effect and adverse reaction. Results: the two groups cure rate is respectively 80.95% and 41.05%, the total effective rate were 92.85% and 66.67%. Conclusion: insecticide to tinea decoction combined with terbinafine hydrochloride cream in the treatment of tinea corporis clinical curative effect

. [Key words ] insecticide to tinea soup; terbinafine hydrochloride; tinea corporis


1 资料和方法

1.1 病例入选条件 ①选取2010年1月——2011年10月本院门诊确诊的体股癣患者;各例均符合体股癣的诊断标准,真菌镜检和培养阳性。②年龄16-60岁,未有其他严重内脏疾病。

1.2 剔除标准 ①对药物过敏者;②妊娠妇女及哺乳期妇女;③长期应用糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂者;④2个月内系统应用过抗真菌药及2周内局部应用过抗真菌药;⑤局部合并严重的细菌感染者。

1.3 一般资料 81例体股癣患者分成两组;治疗组42例,男22例,女20例;平均42岁,平均病程1.5年。对照组39例,男25例,女14例;平均48岁,平均病程8个月。两组临床资料在性别、年龄、病程等方面比较,无显著差异性,具有可比性。

1.4 治疗方法 治疗组使用应用本院自拟杀虫去癣汤外洗,(方药:青蒿10g蛇床子20g白癣皮60g花椒20g土槿皮20g公英20g狼毒10g枯矾10g)加水3000ml,用武火煮沸后转文火煎30分钟,晾温外洗患处20分钟,一天两次。洗完后同时患处涂抹盐酸特比萘芬乳膏,2次/d。对照组仅外用盐酸特比萘芬乳膏。治疗期间禁止吃辛辣刺激性食物,忌搔抓,消毒内衣,勿与他人共用洗浴用具,7d为1个疗程,4周后对其进行疗效判定与统计学分析。

1.5 疗效判定标准:①临床疗效评价。痊愈:临床症状和体征完全消失;显效:临床症状和体征明显改善或缓解≥60%;好转:临床症状和体征改善或缓解20%-59%;无效:临床症状和体征无变化、改善或缓解
